The hypoxic response at the injury site after mitochondrial restoration. (a) O2 uptake rate (state 3 respiration) of mitochondria from 6 d injured muscle treated with the pcRNA1–3 combination for the indicated times. (b) Normal (left), injured (middle), or injured muscle treated with pcRNA1–3 for 4 h (right). Hypoxyprobe was injected at the injury site, and the tissue was fixed after 1 h and stained with FITC-labeled antipimonidazole antibody. (c, d) Injured muscle treated with pcRNA1–3 was double stained for Hypoxyprobe (green) and COII (red, (c)) or Pax7 (red, (d)). (e) Western blots of injured (inj) or normal muscle treated with pcRNA1–3, or control D arm, for the indicated times, probed with anti-HIF1α (upper row) or HIF2α (lower row). (f) A higher magnification image of a single myofiber after pcRNA treatment for 3 h, showing colocalization of HIF1α (red) with mitochondria expressing COII (green). Scale bars, 10 μm.