Figure 11.
The organization of cortical MTs and F-actins is altered in topp4-1, and MTs are hypersensitive to oryzalin treatment, but F-actins are more resistant to LatB treatment in topp4-1. A to D, The cortical MT organization in PCs on the adaxial leaf side in wild-type (WT) and topp4-1 plants labeled with GFP-Tubulin α-6 (TUA6). A and C, The early development stage of PCs. B and D, The late development stage of PCs. Bars = 25 µm. E to H, The F-actin organization in PCs on the adaxial leaf side in the wild type and topp4-1 labeled with FABD2-GFP. E and G, The early development stage of PCs. F and H, The late development stage of PCs. Bars = 25 µm. I to L, The cortical MT organization in PCs in wild-type and topp4-1 plants labeled with GFP-TUA6 treated with or without 20 µm oryzalin for 45 min. Bars = 25 µm. M to P, The F-actin organization in PCs in wild-type and topp4-1 plants labeled with FABD2-GFP treated with or without 800 nm LatB for 30 min. Bars = 25 µm.