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. 2015 Jan 1;8(1):1068–1072.

Table 1.

Clinical and pathological features of 37 cases of laryngeal liposarcoma

Authors Age Sex Location WHO Histology Treatment Rec Follow-Up year
1 Dockerty [26] 33 M left AEF Pleo surgery Y DOD 1968
2 Kapur [1] 61 M Larynx, left PS Myxoid WD surgery Y 3 Rec DOD within 12 m 1968
3 Miller [3] 43 M right FVF Myxoid WD TL N NED 72 m 1975
4 Velek [4] 68 M right supraglottis WD TL N NED 80 m 1976
5 Krausen [5] 67 M Epiglottis, right AEF PD SL. pRT N DOD 72 m 1977
6 Ferlito [6] 52 M left FVF+TVF Pleo HL, pRT/TL Y NED 72 m 1978
7 Tobey [7] 61 M right vocal cord PD SL, Chem Y DOD 13 m 1979
8 Gaynor [8] 59 M right AEF, Epiglottis MX/RDC SL N NED 36 m 1984
9 Shah [9] 28 M Epiglottis MX/RDC SL Y 32 m 1984
10 Gaynor [8] 59 M Epiglottis, AEF MX/RDC SL Y 36 m 1984
11 Narula [10] 45 M Larynx MX/RDC TL N DOD 30 m 1985
12 Allsbrook [11] 45 M left arytenoid WD EE/LP×2, EE Y 48 m 1985
13 Gadomski [12] 28 M Epiglottis WD SE N NED 48 m 1986
14 Meis [13] 54 M right AEF WD EE/EE, SL, ND, pRT Y NED 58 m 1986
15 Gertner [14] 37 M left arytenoid WD TL, pRT N DOD 24 m 1988
16 Wenig [15] 49 M AEF WD, 3 cm SE/SE Y NED 72 m 1990
17 Wenig [15] 65 F Epiglottis WD, 2×2×1.5 cm SE/SE Y NED 480 m 1990
18 Wenig [15] 57 M Epiglottis WD SE/SE×2, TL Y NED 33 m 1990
19 Wenig [15] 68 M Epiglottis WD, 3×2×1.5 cm TL N NED 168 m 1990
20 Wenig [15] 55 M right FVF WD, 6×3 cm, polyp SE/SE×4, pRT Y NED 120 m 1990
21 Esclamado [16] 34 M left AEF WD SL N NED 15 m 1994
22 McCormick [17] 62 M Larynx DD Not doc Y Rec 276 m 1994
23 Hurtado [18] 83 F left TVF WD EE N NED 24 m 1994
24 Wenig [19] 76 F Epiglottis MX/RDC LP/TL Y DND 12 m 1995
25 Wenig [19] 44 M Epiglottis MX/RDC EE/EE, LP Y NED 72 m 1995
26 Wenig [19] 56 M right TVF Pleo EE/SE Y NED 60 m 1995
27 Wenig [19] 72 M Epiglottis WD EE/EE×7, LP Y NED 120 m 1995
28 Wenig [19] 56 M left AEF WD EE/EE×3 Y NED 108 m 1995
29 Wenig [19] 63 M right AEF WD SL N NED 36 m 1995
30 Gal [20] 63 M Larynx WD SE Not doc Not doc 1998
31 Mandell [21] 37 M left arytenoid WD EE/EE N RD 122 m 1999
32 Mestre de Juan [22] 62 M right AEF WD SL N NED 14 m 1999
33 Acharki [23] 50 M FVF MX/RDC TL, pRT (50 Gy) N NED 18 m 1999
34 Brauchle [24] 51 M Epiglottis WD LP N NED 18 m 2001
35 Yaqoob [25] 60 F right TVF MX/RDC Not doc Not doc Not doc 2006
36 Powitzky [2] 63 M left AEF, PS DD, NOS LP N NED 12 m 2007
37 Present case 53 M right AEF, FVF WD, 2×1 cm TL Y NED 13 m 2014

Abbreviations: AEF, aryepiglottic fold; Chem, chemotherapy; DD, dedifferentiated; DND, dead of causes other than disease; DOD, dead of disease; EE, endoscopic excision; F, female; FVF, false vocal fold; HL, hemilaryngectomy; LP, laleral pharyngetomy; m, months; M, male; MX, mxyoid; ND, neck disseciion; NED, alive with no evidence of disease; Not doc, not documented in report; PD, poor differentiated; Pleo, pleomorphic; Prt, postoperative radiotherapy; PS, pyriform sinus; RDC, round cell; Rec, recurrence; RT, radiation therapy; SE, simple excision; SL, supragiottic laryngectomy; TL, tolal laryngectomy; TVF, true vocal fold; WD, well differentiated; WHO, World Health Organization.