Figure 2.
Macrophages play an essential role in melanoma innate immunity. A, BrafV600E/Pten−/− melanoma cells (1 × 107) were i.p. injected into mG/mT::lysM-Cre C57BL6 mice (n = 3). Infiltrating GFP myeloid cells, Tomato red lymphocytes, and tumor cells in the peritoneum were subsequently collected over 0 to 8 hours, analyzed by FACS, and graphed as percentage cells in peritoneum. B, BrafV600E/Pten−/− melanoma cells (107) were injected i.p. into each of 8 mice pretreated with clodronate or liposome vehicle to deplete macrophages. The next day, peritoneal cells were analyzed by FACS. C, Gluc-BrafV600E/Pten−/− cells delivered i.v. colonize lungs of mice with macrophages depleted 3 weeks of clodronate treatment. D, quantitation of Gluc activity in lungs of Gluc-BrafV600E/Pten−/− tumor-injected mice treated as in C (n = 5, P < 0.01).