Figure 2.
Nine miRNAs are associated with Vonsattel grade. In HD brains, expression of differentially expressed miRNA was compared across Vonsattel grades 0–4. Boxplots represent nine FDR-significant miRNAs (A. miR-10b-5p, B. miR-196a-5p, C. miR-10b-3p, D. miR-196b-5p, E. miR-302a-3p, F. miR-200c-3p, G. miR-4488, H. miR-4449, I. miR-663b) (FDR q < 0.05, adjusted for 75 contrasts) associated with Vonsattel grade by analysis of variance (ANOVA). X-axes represent Vonsattel grade, classified 0–4 in order of the severity of striatal involvement and Y-axes show the VST expression values after batch correction. Significant differences across grades and controls are denoted by letters in the grey banner above the boxplot, labeled a-d. Groups with different letters are significantly different from one another while those with the same letter are not, after correcting for multiple comparisons. For example, group “a” would be significantly different from group “b” and “c.” Conditions represented by multiple letters indicate no significant difference among those groups. For example, group “ab” would not be significantly different than groups “a” and “b,” but would be different group “c.”