1. Conceptualizing the study
Choose an appropriate research question which can be answered by video data
Identify potential time frame of the study
Decide on the scope of the data collection
Decide on any additional data collection instruments such as interviews and surveys
Decide on the required number of personnel for data collection
Decide how to link the data from video recording with the other interview and survey data
Choose method to analyze the data (Quantitative, Qualitative, or mixed methods)
2. Legal and Ethical issues
Ensure the study meets with ethical guidelines for human subjects research
Describe all details of the procedure of the study
Comply with all legal requirements for recording in real environments
Obtain legal consent for video recording
Ensure all privacy and confidentiality issues related to participants’ ID preservation and identifiable video data storage
Complete and comply with all local regulations, such as online HIPAA training in US to be eligible for human subject research
IRB application and final approval in order to start the project
3. Participants and Sampling
Determine the number of participants you need
Determine the unit of analysis and sampling frame that will most effectively help answer your research question(For example, do you need a certain number of patients in general or a certain number per physician? Will you recruit physicians or patients first? Will you randomly recruit the physicians or have certain eligibility requirements, such as people within a certain age range? Will participants be paid?)
Inform all participants about the benefits and risks of your study
Conduct the recruitment as planned in the IRB
Get informed consent of all people who agreed to participate to the study
4. Data Collection and Management
Decide on all technical specifications of the equipment you need
Choose an appropriate high quality camera or cameras
Choose the best audio recording style (built into camera or separate)
Determine the camera layout of the room; get the best angle to ensure a clear view of the patient and doctor
Establish a protocol for recording the interactions
Maximize the captured area by adjusting the camera angle
Create protocols to link the data
Sync the audio and video data for the analysis.
Determine protocols for storing video recordings
Secure the hard drives for privacy protection
Back up the data
Train all researchers, camera persons, interviewers, etc.
5. Data analysis
Review the quality of all data
Identify the software you will be using to analyze the data
Clearly distinguish the research questions and analyze accordingly
Create coding schemes to analyze the video based on the variable of interest
A pilot run/trial analysis after collecting the data from a smaller sample to prevent potential mismatch