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. 2014 Nov 4;12(1):20. doi: 10.1186/1617-9625-12-20

Table 3.

Multiple logistic regression results estimating the factors that affect the smoking status of smokers admitted to the smoking cessation clinic from 1 June 2012 to 31 August 2012

Exp(B) 95.0% C.I. for Exp B p
Lower Upper
Age (Year) 1.004 0.97 1.04 0.799
Gender (Male) 0.713 0.32 1.55 0.395
Marital status (Married) 3.432 1.18 9.98 0.024
Mean income Higher than three times the base wage rate - 0.034
Base wage rate or lower 0.339 0.08 1.29 0.115
Two or three times the base wage rate 0.223 0.07 0.70 0.011
Educational status University or higher - 0.615
Primary school and under 1.701 0.17 16.2 0.644
High school 1.046 0.12 8.80 0.967
Alcohol consumption (+)* 10.972 3.61 33.2 0.000††
Positive risk for anxiety based on HADS 3.414 0.76 15.2 0.107
Positive risk for depression based on HADS 4.728 1.28 17.3 0.019

p < 0.05, ††p < 0.01, *Alcohol use more than 2 drinks/day for males and 1 drink/day for females (1 drink = ½ oz or 15 ml ethanol).