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. 2015 Mar 15;174:265–271. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2014.11.046

Table 1.

Basic demographics of the diagnostic groups.

Compares Current depression Prior depression Future depression
Diagnostic groups (at baseline) on their AGN performance at baseline
Diagnostic groups (at baseline) on their AGN performance at follow-up
Diagnostic groups (at follow-up) on their AGN performance at baseline
No disorder Depressed No disorder Depressed No disorder Depressed
Number of participants 130 21 174 17 141 14a
% Female 58 81 59 88 59 71
Age at baseline
Mean 13.52 14.52 13.54 14.65 13.64 14.79
SD 2.02 2.27 1.96 2.12 2.03 1.63
Range (10, 18) (10, 17) (10, 18) (11, 17) (10, 18) (12, 17)
Depressive symptom count
Mean 1.09 5.24 1.13 4.82 1.25 5.21
SD 1.05 1.92 1.04 1.67 1.24 2.15
Generalised anxiety symptom count
Mean 1.02 5.05 1.07 5.29 1.05 4.69
SD 1.39 2.96 1.49 3.04 1.48 2.63

Symptom counts pertain to the assessment phase when participants in the depression groups met DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for depressive disorder (i.e. baseline for current and prior groups; follow-up for future group).

A larger number of participants completed the AGN at follow-up hence the larger number of participants included in the prior depression analysis (which compared AGN data at follow-up in those without disorder and with depressive disorder at baseline)


5 cases were new onset episodes of depressive disorder, 6 were recurrences from the baseline assessment and 3 individuals had different disorders at baseline.