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. 2015 Mar 5;10(3):e0119572. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0119572

Table 5. Gene expression in WAT of control and cafeteria diet-fed rats in fmol/g protein. I Glucose oxidation and nitric oxide synthase.

protein gene WAT male control male cafeteria female control female cafeteria P site P sex i P diet
glucose transporter 4 Glut4 SC 108±29 123±25 161±184 115±8 <0.0001 S≈P>M≈R NS NS
ME 31.2±8.6 15.8±3.0 116±36 12.2±0.6 NS 0.0189↓
PG 109±8 70.2±2.7 160±54 32.6±6.6 NS 0.0134↓
RP 44.0±6.5 25.2±3.9 119±43 26.0±5.8 NS 0.0088↓
hexokinase 2 Hk2 SC 11.7±2.5 13.0±1.9 18.9±3.7 14.7±0.9 <0.0001 S≈P>M≈R NS NS
ME 7.9±1.2 2.7±0.5 16.8±3.2 1.5±0.2 0.0304f i <0.0001↓
EC PG 16.9±2.8 14.6±2.0 25.6±5.7 10.5±2.1 NS 0.0266↓
RP 4.1±0.4 2.9±0.4 13.5±4.5 3.3±0.6 0.0084f i 0.0030↓
glucose-6P-dehydrogenase G6pd SC 334±73 413±51 257±25 302±36 0.0001 S>P>M≈R NS NS
ME 129±18 75.6±9.3 202±32 62.9±4.6 NS i <0.0001↓
EC PG 129±12 188±23 285±51 145±16 NS i NS
RP 84.2±14.2 67.0±5.7 183±35 82.0±9.3 0.0048f 0.0037↓
pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 Pdk4 SC 181±73 187±41 22.7±2.6 90.2±21.6 <0.0001 S>P≈M≈R 0.0113m NS
ME 14.2±3.7 14.4±2.1 7.6±3.9 9.1±1.7 NS NS
EC PG 14.5±5.4 20.6±3.2 8.5±3.2 11.8±2.2 NS NS
RP 13.5±3.5 12.9±1.6 6.1±1.0 17.6±3.7 NS NS
pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 2 Pdk2 SC 263±87 167±41 146±13 302±36 <0.0001 S>M≈P≈M>R NS NS
ME 120±24 34.2±1.7 193±51 22.9±5.3 NS 0.0009↓
EC PG 91.7±12.8 90.1±11.4 86.6±16.8 41.8±3.1 0.0426m NS
RP 48.6±7.6 27.9±3.9 63.9±10.4 31.5±6.1 NS NS
nitric oxide synthase (endothelial type) Nos3 SC 75.4±9.5 88.9±6.0 43.2±2.8 65.5±7.2 <0.0001 S>P>M≈R 0.0009m 0.0190↑
ME 21.6±2.6 15.3±2.3 18.5±1.0 10.4±1.5 NS 0.0054↓
EC PG 31.6±6.3 32.9±4.6 22.6±2.4 13.3±1.9 0.0030m NS
RP 14.7±1.1 11.6±1.7 16.1±2.2 9.4±1.2 NS 0.0051↓

The data are presented as fmol of the corresponding mRNA for g of tissue protein, and are the mean ± sem of 6 different animals. Up to three significant digits are shown for each mean value. SC/S = subcutaneous inguinal: ME/M = mesenteric; PG/P = perigonadal (periovaric, epididymal), RP/R = retroperitoneal. Statistical significance of the differences between groups (2-way anova): the columns show the P values for sex, diet and their interaction. A superscript f represents higher (overall) values for females and m for males. The arrows show the direction of significant changes for diet: ↓ indicate (overall) slower values for cafeteria diet-fed rats; a i in the interaction column indicates a significant interaction between the two factors analysed. The statistical significance of differences between sites was estimated by a 3-way-ANOVA; post-hoc Duncan test (same conventions as in Table 1)