Figure 2.
Differential expression pattern of OSMR gene in GBM molecular subtypes. (A) Box whisker’s plot for Log2 expression values of OSMR in different GBM sub-types and in normal brain tissue samples from Agilent platform of TCGA database. *P < .05, Mesenchymal vs. classical; ***P < .0005, Mesenchymal vs. neural or proneural. (B) Pearson’s correlation analysis between the expression of Proneural signature genes DLL3 (r = − 0.60592, p = 4.831e-11), Olig2 (r = − 0.47713, p = 7.77e-07) and BCAN (r = − 0.51152, p = 8.584e-08) with OSMR expression. (C) Pearson’s correlation analysis between the expression of Mesenchymal signature genes fibronectin (r = 0.458792, p = 2.288e-06), YKL40 (r = 0.550732, p = 5.079e-09) and vimentin (r = 0.589645, p = 2.09e-10) with OSMR expression.