Stimulation of adenylate cyclase activity of human platelet membranes by NECA in the absence (
) and presence of XAC (2 nM,
; 20 nM,
; 200 nM,
). Adenylate cyclase activity was determined at 37°C for 90 min. Right: Schild plot of the same data with the concentration ratio (CR) of the EC50 values for NECA in the presence and absence of XAC vs the XAC concentration (slope, 1.05; r = 0.9993). EC50 values for NECA: 0.255 μM in the absence and 0.27, 0.46 and 2.29 μM in the presence of 2, 20 and 200 nM XAC, respectively. Values are means of a typical experiment done in triplicate.