Figure 2. SRPK1 is increased in prostate cancer cell lines and SRPK1 knockdown switches expression of VEGF165 into VEGF165b in PC-3 cells.
A. SRPK1 expression quantified by qRT-PCR in several PCa cell lines compared to primary prostate epithelial cells (*=p<0.05 PreC vs PC-3, One-way ANOVA). B. Western blot analysis of SRPK1 in PC3 (P), DU145 (D) and LNCaP (L); upper panel – duplicate examples of extracts; lower panel – quantification from three replicates with normalization on tubulin signal for equal loading. C. RT-PCR analysis shows presence of VEGF165b splicing isoforms in PC3 cells with SRPK1-KD (lanes 1, 2, 3 – plasmid controls; lanes 4,5 – RT-PCRs). D. Effect of SRPK1-KD on VEGF165b protein expression in PC3 cells