(A) Representative microphotographs of IL10Rα (red) and MAP-2 (green) labeling in hippocampal sections of AD patients and age-matched, non-demented control subjects.
(B) Quantitation of IL10Rα immunoreactivity in AD (n=6) and control (n=3) brain sections; data are presented as mean ± SEM of labeled area for 3 optical sections per subject; ** p<0.01.
(C) Representative microphotographs of thioflavinS+ amyloid plaques (green), MAP-2 (blue) and phospho-Jak1 (pJak1, red) signals in hippocampal sections of AD patients and age-matched, non-demented controls.
(D) Quantitation of pJak1 levels in AD (n=6) and control (n=3) brain sections; data are presented as mean ± SEM of labeled area for 3 optical sections per subject; * p<0.05.
(E–J) Quantification and representative Western blots of IL10Rα (E), Jak1 (F), pJak1 (G), STAT3 (H), pSTAT3 (I) and SOCS (J) in hippocampal homogenates of AD patients and age-matched, non-demented controls. Expression levels are normalized to β-tubulin. Data are represented as mean ± SEM for controls (n=6) and AD (n=8) patients; †p<0.1, * p<0.05.