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. 2014 Nov 15;19(Suppl 1):59–67. doi: 10.1007/s10461-014-0941-6

Table 3.

Condom use, access to HIV and STI prevention and healthcare services, and HIV testing history among mineworkers, Mozambique, 2012

Characteristics N = 430 % (95 % CI)
Used a condom the last time they had sex in the last 12 monthsa
 Yes 78 18.5 (14.8–22.2)
 No 343 81.5 (77.8–85.2)
Used a condom the last time they had sex with each spousal partner in the last 12 monthsa
 Yes 56 13.6 (10.3–16.9)
 No 356 86.4 (83.1–89.7)
Used a condom the last time they had sex with each occasional or transactional sex partner in the last 12 monthsb
 Yes 71 51.8 (43.5–60.2)
 No 66 48.2 (39.8–56.5)
Had access to free condoms in the last mine where they worked in the last 12 months
 Yes 404 94.0 (91.7–96.2)
 No 26 6.0 (3.8–8.3)
Participated in educational sessions on HIV in the last 12 months
 Yes 342 79.5 (75.7–83.3)
 No 88 20.5 (16.7–24.3)
Received condoms, lubricants or HIV prevention leaflets in the last 12 months
 Yes 301 70.0 (65.7–74.3)
 No 129 30.0 (25.7–34.3)
Had any unusual discharge, sore or ulcer on the penis or was informed they might have an STI in the last 12 months
 Yes 35 8.1 (5.6–10.7)
 No 395 91.9 (89.3–94.4)
Had ever been tested for HIV
 Yes 382 88.8 (85.9–91.8)
 No 48 11.2 (8.2–14.1)
Date of most recent HIV testc (missing = 1)
 ≤12 months 326 85.6 (82.0–89.1)
 >12 months 55 14.4 (10.9–18)
Result of the most recent HIV testc (missing = 9)
 Positive 27 7.2 (4.6–9.9)
 Negative 345 92.5 (89.8–95.2)
 Indeterminate 1 0.3 (0.0–0.8)
Perception of risk of HIV infectiond (missing = 15)
 No risk 51 13.1 (9.8–16.5)
 Low risk 93 24.1 (19.7–28.2)
 Moderate risk 139 35.8 (31.1–40.6)
 High risk 105 27.1 (22.6–31.5)

aIncludes only mineworkers who had sex with a spousal partner of their last three partners in the last 12 months

bIncludes only mineworkers who had an occasional or transactional sex partner of their last three partners in the last 12 months

cSubset of 382 mineworkers who had ever been tested for HIV

dSubset of mineworkers who had never received an HIV-positive test result before the survey