Figure 2.
Migration and axon guidance defects in sdn-1 (zh20) null mutants of C. elegans. Genetic null mutants of SDC1, the sole syndecan gene in C. elegans, show migration and axon guidance defects in the hermaphrodite-specific neurons (HSNs) and the PVQ interneurons. In the figure, posterior is to the right and anterior to the left. GFP is expressed in the PVQ neurons (a–b) and in the HSNs (c–d). Wild-type PVQ neurons are born in the tail of the animal and extend their axons from tail to head. Axons extend to each side of the ventral nerve cord (see white arrow). In mutant worm, one of the PVQ neuronal cell bodies is mispositioned (red arrow) and axons fail to extend to each side of the ventral nerve cord (white arrow). Wild-type HSNs are born in the tail and neuronal cell bodies migrate towards the midbody of the animal (red arrow), Axons then extend to the head of the animal on each side of the ventral nerve cord. In mutant animal, one of the neuronal cell bodies failed to migrate to the midbody (red arrow) and axons fail to extend to each side of the ventral nerve cord (white arrow). Yellow stars denote position of vulva.