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. 2015 Mar 5;16(1):151. doi: 10.1186/s12864-015-1260-7

Table 4.

Reads mapping to tRNAs

L. donovani library L. braziliensis library
tRNA % of total tRNA reads Length [nt] A Position B % of total tRNA reads Length [nt] A Position B
Asp 34.91 47 5′ 43.51 58 5′
Gln 16.00 32 mid-5′ 13.73 36 mid-5′
Glu 11.48 38 3′ 9.65 46 5′
Leu 8.80 29 5′ 7.66 31 5′
Gly 8.02 37 3′ 3.11 43 5′
Arg 5.40 31 mid-5′ 9.62 28 mid-5′
Ala 4.03 34 3′ 2.21 34 3′
Trp 2.38 37 mid-3′ 2.42 40 mid-3′
Val 2.24 36 5′ 1.28 41 5′
Thr 1.33 31 3′ 1.49 35 3′
His 1.08 39 mid-3′ 1.99 42 mid-3′
Tyr 1.06 31 3′ 0.38 28 3′
Ser 1.02 34 3′ 0.82 39 mid-3′
Pro 0.80 31 3′ 1.02 34 3′
Ile 0.44 25 3′ 0.31 31 3′
Cys 0.34 25 mid 0.48 26 mid
Phe 0.32 36 3′ 0.07 36 3′
Lys 0.24 36 3′ 0.09 37 3′
Met 0.10 29 3′ 0.15 33 3′
Asn 0.01 33 mid-5′ 0.01 38 mid-3′

AAverage read length.

BMost abundant read position (of all tRNA reads).

Distribution of reads from L. donovani and L. braziliensis libraries over different tRNA isoacceptors. These are sorted by descending abundance in the L. donovani library, with the equivalent reads from the L. braziliensis library in the same row. nt = nucleotide. N.A. = not applicable.