Asymmetric nucleosomes are stabilized by RSC. (A) ChIP
enrichment of chromatin remodelers and Spt15 over the dyad axis ±70 bp of
asymmetric +1 and −1 nucleosome positions is shown as box-plots.
(B) Heatmap of the log2 enrichment of the RSC
catalytic subunit, Sth1 over input, plotted relative to the dyad axis of
asymmetric +1 nucleosome positions (top) and asymmetric
−1 nucleosome positions (bottom). (C)
ChIP-seq of the RSC catalytic subunit, Sth1, shows enrichment of RSC
specifically over the nucleosome at asymmetric +1 positions compared to
enrichment at the upstream NDR for all +1 positions. Log enrichment of the
normalized density of fragment centers is plotted. The fragment centers were
obtained from paired-end sequencing data and correspond to fragments of length
200 ± 20 bp. Data are averaged over a 20-bp moving window.
(D) Same as C for asymmetric −1
nucleosome positions. (E) Depletion of the RSC component Sth1
results in a significantly greater decrease in nucleosome occupancy at
asymmetric ±1 positions compared to all ±1 positions.
P = 0.004 (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test).
(F) Depletion of the RSC component Sth1 results in a
significantly greater decrease in the expression of well-expressed genes with
asymmetric +1 nucleosome position compared to all well-expressed genes
with a +1 nucleosome position. P = 0.008
(Kolmogorov-Smirnov test). For E and F, mean
and SEM are plotted. (G) Well-expressed genes with asymmetric
+1 nucleosome positions feature decreased stalling by RNA polymerase II at
the +1 nucleosome compared to well-expressed genes with a +1
nucleosome position. (H) (Top) Plot showing
the log2 enrichment of Sth1 ChIP-seq at the GAL1/10
promoter, for fragment lengths between 120 and 160 bp, with the Gal4 binding
sites indicated with gray bars. (Bottom) H4-S47C cleavage
frequency is plotted for the GAL1/10 promoter, showing a
highly asymmetric nucleosome position downstream from the Gal4 binding sites.
The dyad position of the asymmetric nucleosome is indicated with a dashed black
line, showing that the frequency of cleavages is higher upstream of the