Figure 7. Mutant Lef1 induces DNA damage in bulge SCs.
(a–d) γH2AX foci (arrows) in wild-type (a,b) and K15ΔNLef1 (c,d) mice without (a,c) and following UV irradiation (b,d). (e) γH2AX foci quantification following UV irradiation (n=4 mice). Significance was calculated by Student’s t-test (***P<0.001) and s.d. was calculated. (f–h) γH2AX foci (arrows) in epidermal whole mounts of p53EKO (f), K15ΔNLef1 (g) and K15ΔNLef1/p53EKO (h) mice (n=3). (i,j) Representative images of Stage 1, Stage 3 and Stage 5 comets of CD34+/Itga6high bulge SCs (i) and quantification of four independent assays (n=25) on bulge SCs from wild-type and K15ΔNLef1 mice (j). Significance was calculated by Student’s t-test (*P<0.05). Scale bars, 85 μm (a–d), 250 μm (f–h). DAPI, 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole.