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. 2011 Jun 14;2:353. doi: 10.1038/ncomms1354

Figure 2. Energy- and time-resolved reflectivity on Bi2Sr2Ca0.92Y0.08Cu2O8+δ.

Figure 2

The dynamics of the reflectivity is measured over a broad spectral range. The two-dimensional scans of δR/R(ω,t) are reported for three different doping regimes (first column: underdoped (UD), Tc=83 K; second column: optimally doped (OP), Tc=96 K; third column: overdoped (OD), Tc=86 K), in the normal (first row), pseudogap (second row) and superconducting phases (third row). See Methods for estimation of hole content p. The insets display schematically the position of each scan in the T-p phase diagram of Bi2Sr2Ca0.92Y0.08Cu2O8+δ. The white lines (right axes) are the time traces at 1.5 eV photon energy.