Figure 2. Composite figure showing recovery rates (RRs) of different covariates.
Panels display the relationship between RR and (a) disturbance categories, (b) geographical locations and (c) against the standardized rate of disturbance (SRD). (a) Box plot of RR for grouped disturbance categories. C, climate-related factors (n=87); FC, anthropogenic forest clearance, grouping FC, SC, B, Ag and combinations of these (n=166); LI, natural large infrequent events (n=13); U, cause of disturbance unclear (n=17). (b) Box plot of RR for different location groups. S, South America (n=85); C, Central America (n=111); Af, Africa (n=29); A, Asia (n=85). (c) Scatter plot illustrating the relationship between the RR and SRD. Throughout, RR and SRD are plotted on logarithmic axes to accommodate the variability in these data sets. The vertical line in a and b represents the median RR for the entire data set, that is, 0.455% relative recovery per year. Shaded areas on a and b represent the interquartile range and the whisker lines the 95% confidence intervals for each category.