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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2016 Apr 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Behav Med. 2014 Sep 28;38(2):294–305. doi: 10.1007/s10865-014-9601-6

Table 1.

Studies analyzed for meta-analysis

Study N a Sample % Male Mean age (SD) Mean days since diagnosis (SD) Association SCS measure Distress measure ESb Average study ES for each associationc
Agustdottir et al., 2010 184 Prostate 100.0 - - SCS-GD 3 HADS- Depression .270 .295
HADS-Anxiety .320
SCS-CD 3 IES-Intrusions .330 .300
IES- Avoidance .270
Cordova et al., 2001 70 Breast 0 54.7 (12.1) 718.3 (493.1) SCS-GD 1 CES-D .720 .645
Ryff PWB .570*
SCS-CD 1 IES-Intrusions .620 .520
IES- Avoidance .420
Cordova et al., 2007 65 Breast 0 52.3 (9.3) 286.1 (194.8) SCS-CD 1 PCL-C .600 .600
Danhauer et al., 2013 63 Leukemia - 48.3 (15.2) - SCS-GD 3 POMS .340 .340
SCS-CD 3 CRR-Intrusive Rumination .100 .100
Dunn et al., 2011 439 Mixed 41.0 59.3 (12.0) 612.5 (681.8) SCS-GD 3 HADS-Anxiety .490 .423
HADS-Depression .350
SF-36 MCS .430*
SCS-CD 3 IES-Intrusions .450 .455
IES-Avoidance .460
Eton et al., 2001 225 Prostate 100.0 65.0 (7.5) 173.5 (156.0) SCS-GD 1 SF-36 MCS .270* .270
2 SF-36 MCS .270*
Graves et al., 2012 264 Breast 0 50.6 (9.9) 986.2 (474.8) SCS-GD 3 FACT- emotional well-being .230* .230
Halbert et al., 2010 194 Prostate 100.0 63.6 (8.0) - SCS-CD 1 IES-Intrusions .360 .380
IES-Avoidance .400
Harper et al., 2007 216 Mixed 19.0 49.9 (12.1) 1132.3 (840.1) SCS-CD 3 IES-Intrusions .200 .215
IES-Avoidance .230
Hoyt, 2009 183 Mixed 100.0 67.5 (10.7) - SCS-GD 3 CES-D .350 .300
SCS-CD 3 IES-Intrusions .470 .470
Jensen-Johansen et al., 2013 557 Breast 0 53.6 (9.1) - SCS-GD 3 BDI .484 .492
554 POMS .499
534 SCS-CD 3 IES-Intrusions .438 .426
535 IES-Avoidance .413
Lepore & Helgeson, 1998 178 Prostate 100.0 67.0 517.4 (236.8) SCS-GD 1 MHI .410* .485
156 2 MHI .570*
178 SCS-CD 1 IES-Intrusions .480 .520
156 2 IES-Intrusions .470
178 1 IES-Avoidance .570
156 2 IES-Avoidance .560
Lepore & Ituarte, 1999 96 Breast/Colon 0 54.0 91.3 SCS-GD 1 PANAS-PA .030* .1363
75 2 PANAS-PA −.010*
96 1 PANAS-NA .320
75 2 PANAS-NA .200
Manne et al., 1999 221 Mixed 51.0 55.0 85.0 SCS-GD 4 PANAS-PA .083* .210
Manne & Glassman, 2000 191 Mixed 41.0 56.3 (11.3) - SCS-GD 6 MHI- Anxiety .300 .283
7 MHI- Anxiety .280
6 MHI- Depression .280
7 MHI- Depression .270
SCS-CD 6 IES-Avoidance .180 .195
7 IES-Avoidance .210
Manne et al., 2003 140 Breast 0 50.1 - SCS-GD 5 MHI .343 .343
SCS-CD 5 IES-Avoidance .263 .263
Mosher et al., 2010 250 HSCT 48.6 50.9 (12.5) - SCS-GD 3 BSI-GSI .443 .443
245 SCS-CD 3 PCL-C .410 .410
Mosher et al., 2012 195 HSCT 50.0 54.0 (12.0) - SCS-GD 1 BSI-GSI .420 .470
2 BSI-GSI .520
SCS-CD 1 IES .370 .385
2 IES .400
Myers et al., 2013 150 Gynecological 0 55.8 (9.8) - SCS-GD 8 BDI .350 .350
SCS-CD 8 IES .140 .140
Norton et al., 2005 143 Ovarian 0 55.2 (11.7) 547.9 (840.1) SCS-GD 8 MHI- Depression .34 .350
MHI- Anxiety .36
Oh, 2009 94 Prostate 100.0 61.3 (7.2) 51.1 (33.2) SCS-GD 2 PANAS- PA −.18* −.075
Pasipanodya et al., 2012 45 Breast 0 52.4 (9.9) - SCS-GD 2 PANAS- PA .050* .280
PANAS- NA .510
Porter et al., 2012 52 Gynecological 66.0 60.2 (12.4) 679.4 (730.5) SCS-GD 6 POMS .200 .215
7 POMS .230
Porter et al., 2005 46 Gynecological 76.6 61.1 (12.2) 989.8 (872.9) SCS-GD 6 FACT- EWB .160* .200
7 FACT- EWB .240*
SCS-CD 6 IES .090 .080
7 IES .070
Sanders, 2009 70 Lung 47.0 66.7 (10.5) 556.6 (646.8) SCS-GD 2 SF-36 PWB .370* .370
Sandgren & McCaul, 2003 237 Breast 0 54.5 (11.8) 75.0 (31.9) SCS-GD 3 FACT- EWB .492* .560
POMS .627
Schmidt & Andrykowski, 2004 210 Breast 0 47.4 (8.4) 687.9 (462.6) SCS-GD 3 HADS- Depression .440 .420
HADS- Anxiety .400
SCS-CD 3 IES-Intrusions .320 .370
IES-Avoidance .420
Wagner et al., 2009 58 Breast 0 52.0 (12.2) 1173.9 (1408.3) SCS-GD 3 POMS .118 .118
61 SCS-CD 3 IES-Intrusions .351 .239
61 IES-Avoidance .126
Widows et al., 2000 102 BMT 21.0 45.0 (10.7) - SCS-CD 3 PCL-C .440 .440
Zakowski et al., 2003 81 Prostate 100.0 59.0 (10.1) 463.9 (416.4) SCS-GD 1 POMS .410 .405
2 POMS .400
SCS-CD 1 IES-Intrusions .440 .320
2 IES-Intrusions .200

Note. Effect sizes represent a positive relationship between social constraints and distress. Association: SCS-GD = association between social constraints and general distress; SCS-CD = association between social constraints and cancer-specific distress; SCS (social constraints) measure: 1 = a version of Lepore's social constraints scale that focuses on constraints from family and friends; 2 = a version of Lepore's social constraints scale that focuses on constraints from a spouse or partner; 3 = a version of Lepore's social constraints scale that does not focus on constraints from a specific group; 4 = a version of Manne's spousal social constraints scale that focuses on both spousal criticism and avoidance; 5 = a social constraints scale with items contributed from scales coded 3 and 4; 6 = a version of Manne's spousal social constraints scale that focuses on spousal criticism; 7 = a version of Manne's spousal social constraints scale that focuses on spousal avoidance; 8 = a version of Manne's social constraints scale that focuses on constraints from family and friends; Distress: BDI = Beck Depression Inventory; BSI-GSI = Brief Symptom Inventory- Global Severity Index; CES-D = Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale; FACT-EWB = Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Emotional well-being subscale; HADS = Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; IES = Impact of Events Scale; MCS = mental component score; MHI = Mental Health Inventory; PANAS = Positive and Negative Affect Schedule; PCL-C = PTSD Checklist- Civilian Version; POMS = Profile of Mood States-Total Mood Disturbance; PWB = psychological well-being.


N represents the sample size for the effect size reported.


Pearson's r. Effect sizes that were reverse-coded are followed by an asterisk.


The average effect sizes are weighted by the sample size of each effect size contributed.