Readiness Scores across the Corresponding Stages of Change Measure for the Parent Sample (n=283).
FV indicates fruits and vegetables; TV, television; PA, physical activity; SD, sugary drinks, FJ, 100% fruit juice servings with 1 serving equivalent to 4–6 oz/d. PC indicates Precontemplation Stage; C, Contemplation Stage; PR, Preparation Stage; A, Action Stage; M, Maintenance Stage. Behavioral criterion for the FV stage was to provide your child with 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day; TV, to limit your child to 2 hr or less of TV every day; PA, to help your child get 1 hour of moderate intensity physical activity. SD, to limit your child to 1 serving per week of sugary drinks. FJ, to limit your child’s juice intake to no more than 6 ounces of 100% fruit pure juice each day. PC and C were collapsed for FV and PA.