Figure 5.
Time course comparison of DSI implies that BDNF and DHF enable DSI via an increase in 2-AG production but not via a decrease in 2-AG hydrolysis. A, B, DSI was induced in VTA dopamine neurons in the continuous presence of Group I mGluR agonist DHPG (1 μm; n = 11; A) and MAGL inhibitor JZL184 (100 nm; n = 11; B). Solid lines indicate single exponential fitting curves of the decay of DSI. C, Summary of the time constant (τ) of DSI induced in the presence of BDNF, DHF, DHPG, and JZL184. τ of DSI in BDNF (n = 8) and DHF (n = 11) groups were obtained from Figure 1A, C and was not significantly different from that of the DHPG group (p > 0.05) but was significantly less than that of the JZL184 group (*p < 0.05). D, There was no significant difference in the magnitude of DSI induced in the presence of BDNF, DHF, DHPG, and JZL184 (p > 0.05).