Figure 7.
Subcellular distribution of wheat PDI family proteins in immature starchy endosperm and aleurone cells. Cross sections of caryopses at 10 dpa were immunostained with a combination of sera against TaPDIL1Aα (A and F, green), TaPDIL2 (B and G, green), TaPDIL3A (C and H, green), TaPDIL4D (D and I, green), or TaPDIL5A (E and J, green) and calreticulin (CRT, red). Specimens were observed with a Confocal Imaging System FV1200. Merged images of red and green are also shown. Endosperm sections and aleurone cells are shown in the left and right panels, respectively. Asterisks indicate A-type starch granules. Arrowheads indicate aleurone grains. White dotted lines show the profile of one aleurone cell. Scale bar = 5 μm.