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. 2015 Apr;105(Suppl 2):S303–S310. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2014.302353


Number and Percentage of Full-Time-Equivalent Workers by Occupational Category: ASTHO and NACCHO Profile Surveys, United States, 2010–2013

State Public Health Workers
Local Public Health Workers
Occupational Category 2010, No. (%) 2012, No. (%) % Changea 2010, No. (%) 2013, No. (%) % Point Differenceb
Administrative or clerical personnel 18 301 (18) 18 631 (19) 1.8 31 405 (22) 24 619 (20) −2
Behavioral health professional 2 957 (3) 2 353 (2) −20.4 4 752 (3) 2 624 (2) −1
Emergency preparedness staffc 42 (< 1) 1 037 (1) NA 2 173 (2) 1 895 (2) 0
Environmental health worker 5 767 (6) 5 909 (6) 2.5 11 088 (8) 9 439 (8) 0
Epidemiologist 2 549 (2) 2 329 (2) −8.6 1 563 (1) 1 348 (1) 0
Health educator 2 412 (2) 2 012 (2) −16.6 3 807 (3) 3 460 (3) 0
Laboratory workerd 3 961 (4) 3 818 (4) −3.6 NA 1 430 (1) NA
Nutritionist 1 532 (1) 1 633 (2) 6.6 3 706 (3) 3 314 (3) 0
Public health dental workere 225 (< 1) 456 (< 1) NAe NA 1 769 (1) NA
Public health informatics specialist 1 315 (1) 933 (1) −29.0 759 (1) 1 473 (1) 0
Public health manager 3 793 (4) 4 218 (4) 11.2 8 037 (6) 7 134 (6) 0
Public health nurse 11 021 (11) 9 482 (9) −14.0 22 629 (16) 19 824 (16) 0
Public health physician 1 132 (1) 1 012 (1) −10.6 1 478 (1) 1 394 (1) 0
Public information specialist 331 (< 1) 223 (< 1) −32.6 372 (< 1) 349 (< 1) 0
Other public health professional or uncategorized worker 49 183 (47) 46 017 (46) −6.4 49 053 (35) 45 616 (36) 1
Total 104 521 (100) 100 063 (100) −4.3 140 822 (100) 125 688 (100) NA

Note. ASTHO = Association of State and Territorial Health Officials; FTE = full-time equivalent, NACCHO = National Association of County and City Health Officials; NA = not applicable. Forty-seven states are included in the ASTHO data analysis; 2005 and 1953 local health department respondents are included in the 2010 and 2013 NACCHO data analysis, respectively. Percentages may not total 100 as a result of rounding.


Percentage of change reflects the change in the size of the state health workforce by occupational category from 2010 to 2012.


Percentage point difference reflects the proportional difference in the number of FTE workers by occupational category from 2010 to 2013. Direct comparison was not possible because fewer or different respondents completed the workforce section of the survey in 2010 and 2013.


A definitional change in the occupational category accounts for the increase from 2010 to 2012 in ASTHO data. The 2010 ASTHO Profile Survey limited this category to emergency preparedness directors; this was broadened to all emergency preparedness staff in 2012.


Laboratory workers were not identified in the 2010 NACCHO Profile and are included in the other or uncategorized worker category.


A definitional change in the occupational category accounts for the increase from 2010 to 2012 in ASTHO data. The 2010 ASTHO Profile Survey limited this category to public health dentists; this was broadened to include dental hygienists in 2012. Public health dental workers were not identified in the 2010 NACCHO Profile and are included in the other or uncategorized worker category.