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. 2015 Apr;105(Suppl 2):S303–S310. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2014.302353


Number and Percentage of Full-Time-Equivalent Workers by Size of State Population, Region, and Governance Structure: ASTHO and NACCHO Profile Surveys, United States, 2010–2013

State Health Agencies
LHDs, 2010
LHDs, 2013
Category No. 2010, No. Workers (%) 2012, No. Workers (%) % Changea No. No. Workers (%) No. No. Workers (%) % Point Differenceb
Population sizec
 Small 14 13 174 (13) 12 047 (12) −9 1 171 18 404 (13) 1120 15 882 (13) 0
 Medium 17 34 760 (33) 32 890 (33) −5 708 53 343 (38) 706 50 090 (40) 2
 Large 16 56 588 (54) 55 127 (55) −3 126 69 075 (49) 127 59 716 (48) −1
 Total 47 104 522 (100) 100 064 (100) 2 005 140 822 (100) 1953 125 688 (100)
Geographic regiond
 New England 7 10 812 (10) 9 531 (10) −13 344 17 177 (12) 320 15 629 (12) 0
 South 13 54 489 (52) 52 503 (52) −4 565 48 924 (35) 534 39 420 (31) −4
 Mid-Atlantic and Great Lakes 11 20 067 (19) 19 848 (20) −1 546 31 398 (22) 520 31 806 (25) 3
 Mountain and Midwest 9 7 735 (7) 7 691 (8) −1 414 10 229 (7) 448 13 536 (11) 4
 West 7 11 420 (11) 10 490 (10) −8 136 33 094 (24) 131 25 297 (20) −4
 Total 47 104 522 (100) 100 064 (100) 2 005 140 822 (100) 1953 125 688 (100)
Governance structure
 Centralized or largely centralized 13 27 708 (27) 25 703 (26) −7 223 15 270 (11) 221 12 534 (10) −1
 Shared, largely shared, or mixed 10 34 299 (33) 33 313 (33) −3 346 33 698 (24) 370 32 165 (26) 2
 Decentralized or largely decentralized 24 42 515 (41) 41 048 (41) −3 1 436 91 854 (65) 1362 80 989 (64) −1
 Total 47 104 522 (100) 100 064 (100) 2 005 140 822 (100) 1953 125 688 (100)

Note. ASTHO = Association of State and Territorial Health Officials; FTE = full-time equivalent; LHD = local health department; NACCHO = National Association of County and City Health Officials.


Percentage of change reflects the change in the size of the state health workforce by occupational category from 2010 to 2012.


Percentage point difference reflects the proportional difference in the number of FTE workers by occupational category from 2010 to 2013. Direct comparison was not possible because fewer or different respondents completed the workforce section of the survey in 2010 and 2013.


For ASTHO data, small indicates a population of ≤ 2 750 000, medium indicates 2 750 001–6 250 000, and large indicates > 6 250 000. For NACCHO data, small indicates a population of < 50 000, medium indicates 50 000–499 000, and large indicates ≥ 500 000.


New England included the following states: ME, NH, VT, NY, MA, RI, CT, and NJ; the South included: KY, NC, SC, TN, GA, AL, FL, MS, LA, AR, OK, TX, and NM; the Mid-Atlantic and Great Lakes regions included: DE, MD, DC, VA, WV, PA, OH, IN, IL, MI, WI, and MN; the Mountain and Midwest regions included: IA, MO, ND, SD, NE, KS, MT, WY, CO, and UT; the West included AK, WA, OR, ID, NV, CA, AZ, and HI.