Figure 9. Depletion of PI3-Kinase or PIKfyve did not result in obvious apicoplast protein import defects.
(A and B, upper panels) Western blot analysis following the maturation of either ACP-YFP or PPP1-3HA proteins, in the pi3ki or pikfyvei mutant parasites, respectively. Parasites were grown in ATc for the times indicated. Anti-GFP or anti-HA antibodies were used to detect ACP-YFP or PPP1-3HA proteins. Note the pronounced loss of the mature forms of the proteins at days 5 and 3, respectively. The tubulin protein was used as a loading control. (A and B, lower panels) pi3ki or pikfyvei parasites were grown with (d1 to d7) or without ATc (d0) and apicoplasts were counted in 300 vacuoles for each condition. Only the mean values were plotted on the two graphs. Y-axis shows the percent of parasites that show a clearly identifiable apicoplast.