Gap related tachycardia originating from the circular lesion around the right inferior pulmonary vein. (A, 200mm/sec), and the corresponding
catheter positions, arrows point out the direction of activation through two gaps (at lasso pole number 4-5 and 7-8) in the ablation
line (B). Entrainment pacing with 245 msec from the earliest lasso bipole (4-5) showed concealed fusion and PPI-TCL was 11 msec. (C).
Termination of tachycardia during ablation at the entrance (pole 4-5) (D,100 mm/sec). The vein was isolated with the second ablation at the
pole 7-8 (not shown). RIPV: right inferior pulmonary vein, CT: crista terminalis catheter, ICE: intracardiac echocardiography probe, Abl:
ablation catheter, Lasso: lasso catheter, CS: coronary sinus catheter, PPI: post pacing interval, TCL: tachycardia cycle length.