FIG 1.
The QRDR model structures of U. parvum wild-type ParC and S83L and S83W mutants. (A) Sequence alignment of the QRDR domain from type II topoisomerases. The sequences are labeled as follows: UpParC, U. parvum ATCC 700970 ParC (GenBank no. AAF30879); UuParC, U. urealyticum ATCC 33699 ParC (GenBank no. ACI60320); SpTopIV, Streptococcus pneumoniae topoisomerase IV (PDB code 3RAE); MtGyr, Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA gyrase (PDB code 3IFZ); EcGyr, Escherichia coli DNA gyrase (PDB code 1AB4); EcTopIV, E. coli topoisomerase IV (PDB code 1ZAU). Numbers above the sequences denote the amino acid positions according to U. parvum. The α3 and α4 helices (blue rectangles), the β2 strand (blue arrow), and identical amino acids (gray shading) are indicated. (B to D) Surface models of U. parvum wild-type ParC (by SWISS-MODEL server) (B) and the S83L (C) and S83W (D) mutants. Amino acid position 83 is in yellow; others are in blue. LVFX (ball), DNA (orange), and Mg2+ (green) are superimposed from PDB code 3RAE.