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. 2015 Mar 1;16:45. doi: 10.1186/s12891-015-0498-1

Table 4.

Summary of heal rate by bone

Overall Heal Elderly Heal
Comorbidity Healed Failed Rate Lower CI Upper CI Healed Failed Rate
All fractures 4,032 158 96.2% 95.7% 96.8% 780 38 95.4%
All closed fractures 3,212 108 96.7% 96.1% 97.4% 650 27 96.0%
All open fractures 147 9 94.2% 90.6% 97.9% 24 0 100.0%
Tibia 939 42 95.7% 94.5% 97.0% 170 9 95.0%
Tibia/Fibula 705 33 95.5% 94.0% 97.0% 140 7 95.2%
Femur 412 19 95.6% 93.7% 97.5% 136 4 97.1%
Metatarsal 423 7 98.4% 97.2% 99.6% 40 0 100.0%
Radius 337 2 99.4% 98.6% 100.0% 94 1 98.9%
Humerus 207 19 91.6% 88.0% 95.2% 60 11 84.5%
Scaphoid 203 6 97.1% 94.9% 99.4% 11 0 100.0%
Clavicle 120 7 94.5% 90.5% 98.5% 7 1 87.5%
Ankle 122 3 97.6% 94.9% 100.0% 31 2 93.9%
Radius/Ulna 144 7 95.4% 92.0% 98.7% 36 0 100.0%
Fibula 96 2 98.0% 95.2% 100.0% 7 0 100.0%
Ulna 84 2 97.7% 94.5% 100.0% 14 0 100.0%
Metacarpal 42 2 95.5% 89.3% 100.0% 4 0 100.0%

Every bone represented in the database by more than 50 fractures is tabulated. Column totals do not always add up because some information is missing; for example, some fractures were not defined as either open or closed. The total of all bones is larger than the total count of patients because some patients broke multiple bones. The heal rate (HR) in humerus is significantly lower than the overall HR because the confidence interval (CI) for humerus does not overlap the CI for “All fractures.” Bolded HR numbers are above the CI associated with “All fractures.” Italic HR numbers are below the CI associated with “All fractures.” In the “Elderly” group, bolded HR numbers are above the CI for the corresponding fracture in the whole cohort, while italic HR numbers are below the CI for the corresponding fracture in the whole cohort. Elderly HR is comparable to the HR of the overall sample.