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. 2015 Mar 13;5:9115. doi: 10.1038/srep09115

Table 2. Relative strength of two- or three-way interactive effects on net primary production (NPP), heterotrophic respiration (Rh) and net ecosystem production (NEP).

Vegetation type Scenarios* NPP Rh NEP
Tsym** Tasy2 Tasy3 Tsym Tasy2 Tasy3 Tsym Tasy2 Tasy3
Boreal coniferous forest (BCF) Pcha −7.5 −2.1 −3.7 −22.4 −10.9 −7.2 53.0 41.2 18.1
Cinc 144.8 99.4 77.9 71.4 48.1 41.4 115.7 122.0 96.1
Pcha × Cinc 27.2 29.5 35.1 49.3 40.7 37.1 −27.5 −18.3 6.6
Temperate mixed forest (TMF) Pcha 11.7 6.1 −6.0 3.7 4.3 −0.7 14.5 −0.3 −13.7
Cinc 264.1 134.1 91.5 −14.5 −10.5 −12.0 142.8 164.1 161.6
Pcha × Cinc 29.2 30.0 34.2 35.9 32.9 36.0 −21.3 −14.7 −12.8
Warm-temperate deciduous broadleaf forest (DBF) Pcha −30.2 −41.8 −27.5 −41.8 −24.4 −18.9 13.5 15.6 11.3
Cinc 239.7 353.8 265.6 49.8 33.6 37.4 149.4 162.8 167.3
Pcha × Cinc 32.5 49.3 38.4 54.5 36.3 30.5 −14.2 −6.3 −5.6
Meadow steppe (MStp) Pcha −32.4 −82.2 −76.0 −18.7 −68.1 −65.6 −77.2 −44.0 −43.2
Cinc 140.4 151.4 174.1 129.1 156.1 213.3 178.9 141.0 91.7
Pcha × Cinc 3.6 23.9 20.2 10.7 36.5 29.0 −34.9 −48.8 −27.3
Typical steppe (TStp) Pcha 18.6 13.4 1.5 7.3 3.0 −2.8 −15.0 −13.2 −15.4
Cinc 94.3 33.4 24.5 −51.1 −25.3 −19.7 30.8 31.5 47.1
Pcha × Cinc −2.4 −0.3 −0.4 50.9 21.1 19.4 −1.5 −6.6 −30.3
Desert steppe (DStp) Pcha −31.0 −2.2 6.6 −31.1 −6.5 0.7 −11.8 4.6 15.8
Cinc 55.6 24.4 13.8 −32.9 −18.0 −22.9 29.5 26.3 17.3
Pcha × Cinc 8.6 −3.4 0.3 28.7 13.5 0.9 −2.6 1.3 −1.8

*Pcha: changes in precipitation amount Cinc: gradual increases in concentrations of atmospheric CO2 (C) and their combinations (Pcha × Cinc).

**Tsym: symmetric warming; Tasy2: double asymmetric warming; Tasy3: triple asymmetric warming.