The GlmU::E295K and OtsA::R328H substitutions facilitate growth of the wild-type and parental strains under thermal stress. Shown are growth curves of different strains with standard deviations (n = 4). (A and B) Growth in nutrient-rich medium at 40°C. Open squares, GLY3; closed circles, GLY3_GlmUE295K; open triangles, GLY3_OtsAR328H; closed diamonds, GLY3_GlmUE295K_rev; crosses, GLY3_OtsAR328H_rev. (C) Growth in nutrient-rich medium at 41.5°C. Open squares, tam45; open triangles, tam45_GlmUWT; closed circles, tam45_OtsAWT; closed diamonds, tam45_OtsAWT_rev. (D) Growth in nutrient-rich medium at 40.7°C. Closed squares, WT; closed circles, R_GlmUE295K; open triangles, R_OtsAR328H; open diamonds, ROG.