Figure 6. Strongly enhanced sidebands.
The laser output at the pump power P ≈ 17 mW with the appropriate setting of polarisation controller. (a) Optical spectrum and (b) the corresponding autocorrelation trace of laser. The central wavelength of the pulse is ~1563.4 nm. The two strongest sidebands at the wavelengths of ~1562.1 and ~1564.7 nm are over 17 and 13 dB larger than the central wavelength, respectively. The laser pulse has 0.68 nm of the FWHM spectral width, 4.1 ps of the pulse duration, and 5.731817 MHz of fundamental cavity frequency (Fig. 6(b) inset). (c, e) The two strongest sidebands are separated from the pulse spectrum by a programmable optical filter with the bandwidth of 0.3 nm. Optical spectrum (c) and autocorrelation trace (d) of the strongest sideband at ~1562.1 nm. Optical spectrum (e) and autocorrelation trace (f) of the second strongest sideband at ~1564.7 nm. Inset: Fundamental RF spectrum with the resolution of 1 Hz and the span of 100 Hz for the pulse (Fig. 6(b)), the strongest sideband (Fig. 6(d)), and the second strongest sideband (Fig. 6(f)). The two strongest sidebands have different wavelengths with the difference of 2.6 nm, but they have the same round-trip time of 174.46475 ns (i.e., reciprocal of 5.731817 MHz of fundamental harmonic frequency).