O2⨪ leakage from pairs of Duoxes with the Nox-like portion of Duox2 and DuoxAs with the N-terminal extracellular region of DuoxA1. A, illustration showing Duox1, Duox2, and two chimeric Duox proteins: Duox(1PoxH-2) and Duox(2PoxH-1). B, various Duox and DuoxA pairs were transfected into HEK293 cells. O2⨪ and total reactive oxygen species were measured by chemiluminescence assay using Diogenes and luminol + HRP, respectively. Pairs (red arrows) with the Duox2 portion after the first transmembrane segment (termed the Nox-like portion) + DuoxA with the N-terminal extracellular region of DuoxA1 show O2⨪ production. Immunoblotting detects the expression levels of various Duox and DuoxA pairs. A pAb against Duoxes faintly detected Duox2 chimeras in the two right-hand lanes. A pAb for DuoxA1 detects only wild-type DuoxA1.