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. 2014 Nov 7;274(3):752–763. doi: 10.1148/radiol.14132871

Figure 2:

Figure 2:

Heat map illustrates the relative performance of each of the DIR algorithms over the RIR for each anatomic structure by using all comparison metrics. Better performance is indicated by colors that appear toward the blue end of the color scale. P value thresholding for multiple comparisons was used with the first threshold at P less than .008 for correction of multiple comparisons across four distinct registration algorithms (α = .05/6 “pairwise comparison of four DIR algorithms”) and P less than .0001 for multiple comparisons across 68 distinct ROIs. Values shaded solid red are nonsignificantly different from rigid segmentation. FN-DSC = false-negative DSC, FP-DSC = false-positive DSC, GTV-N = gross nodal volume, GTV-P = gross primary tumor volume, MPC = middle pharyngeal constrictor, OF = optical flow, SPC = superior pharyngeal constrictor, ST = soft tissues, VO = volume overlap, 95% HD = 95% Hausdorff distance.