Fig 1. The overall experimental design.
(A) Hippocampal sample groups. We used microarrays to probe the transcriptome of naïve (N) and trained (T) groups for both wild-type (W) and the Ca v 3.2 homozygous knockout (K) mice. In each group, we separated left (L) and right (R) hippocampi samples. A total of eight groups of samples were analyzed: WNL, WNR, WTL, WTR, KNL, KNR, KTL, and KTR. (B) Experimental procedures: Mice were handled in conditioning chambers for three days (Day 1–3), and then received trace fear conditioning individually (Day 4), tested with contextual memory 24 hours later (Day 5) in the same conditioning chamber. Immediately after memory testing, left (L) and right (R) hippocampi from three W and three K animals were dissected, pooled together to extract total RNA for microarray hybridization.