(A) Plasma total AGT concentrations were measured using an ELISA kit at baseline, and 2, 6, 10, and 14 weeks after AAV injection (N = 4 – 5/group). Statistical analyses were two way repeated measures ANOVA. * denotes P < 0.001 versus the other 3 groups at each time point. (B) Plasma renin concentrations were measured at termination by radioimmunoassay (N = 7 – 10/group). * denotes P < 0.001 versus the other 3 groups by one way ANOVA and post-hoc comparison of Tukey-Kramer adjustment. (C) Plasma AngII concentrations were measured at termination by radioimmunoassay (N = 3 – 5/group). * denotes P = 0.002 versus the other 3 groups by one way ANOVA with Holm-Sidak method. WT represents wild-type AGT AAV, and C18S,C137S represents AGT in AAV vector with Cys to Ser mutation at 18 and 137 residues.