For each food category, we list synergistic bottleneck pairs (Φij > 2.0) composed of nutrients (in the second and third columns) that are not bottleneck nutrients themselves for high NF in that food category. Only food in which a given pair of nutrients exhibits the strongest synergism (among multiple foods) for high NF is shown in the fourth column. In the fifth column, ‘F’ (‘U’) denotes that the nutrient is ‘favorable’ (‘unfavorable’) for a high NF of the food in the fourth column (see the Materials and Methods section). For example, ‘F, U’ indicates that a nutrient in the second column is favorable, whereas the nutrient in the third column is unfavorable. This table shows only the cases with a definite ‘F’ or ‘U’ (Materials and Methods section). Foods in the low-calorie category do not have synergistic pairs of non-bottleneck nutrients.