(A) Low magnification view of the tendon, and high magnification views of (B) the original tendon and (C) the neotendon are shown. (D-I) Quantitative analysis of tendon sections: Cross-sectional area (CSA, in mm2) of (D) the original tendon, (E) the neotendon, and (F) the total tendon. Cell density (cells/mm2) of (G) the original tendon, (H) the neotendon, and (I) the total tendon. Values are mean±SD. N, 4 to 8 tendons for each group. Differences between groups were tested using a two-way ANOVA (α = 0.05) followed by Newman-Keuls post hoc sorting: a, different (P<0.05) from 3D vehicle; b, different (P<0.05) from 3D p38 MAPK inhibitor; c, different (P<0.05) from 7D vehicle; d, different (P<0.05) from 7D p38 MAPK inhibitor; e, different (P<0.05) from 28D vehicle. For reference, horizontal dashed line indicates wet mass of plantaris tendons that were not subjected to synergist ablation.