Figure 5. ERα mediates sensitivity to glucose availability.
(A) Relative number of cells in shCtl (white) and shERα (grey) cells cultured in glucose-free media for 3 days. Data represents relative numbers of cells compared to media with glucose, represented by the dotted line (n=3, *P<0.05, T test). (B-G) Relative gene expression in shCtl (white) and shERα (grey) cells in cultured in basal (+glu) or glucose-free media for 3 days. Data represent relative gene expression normalized to shCtl cells in basal media (n=3, aFDR<0.05, bFDR<0.01 for effect of shRNA; *FDR<0.05, **FDR<0.01, 1 way post-test for the effect of glucose on each shRNA).