Figure 1. Poly-Ribo-Seq of small and large polysomes.
(A) Venn diagram categorising annotated Drosophila smORFs as corroborated or uncorroborated based on evidence (FlyBase) from two out of three of: GO molecular function term assignment (green), peptidomic evidence (blue), and conservation outside of insects (red). Based on this, out of the total of 829 annotated smORFs, 665 are uncorroborated, and 494 have no evidence of translation. (B) Schematic of Poly-Ribo-Seq with representative UV absorbance profile for sucrose density gradient. Small (purple) and large (blue) polysomes are separated and subject to ribosome footprinting. (C) Composite plot from all FlyBase protein-coding genes of Poly-Ribo-Seq read counts across mRNAs in the vicinity of start (upper) and stop codons (lower) in small polysomes. (D) Median translational efficiencies of CDS, 5′ and 3′-UTR regions for all protein-coding genes, error bars represent SE.