Structural imaging evidence from children with dyslexia. In a structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study (Krafnick et al., 2011), gray matter volume (GMV) was examined in children with dyslexia before and after a behavioral intervention. Following the intervention, there was a significant increase not only of reading abilities, but also of gray matter volumes in the left hippocampus/fusiform and the right hippocampus (both shown here), as well as the left precuneus and right cerebellum (not shown). Since larger hippocampal volumes have independently been shown to correlate with better declarative memory (Protopopescu et al., 2008; Schofield et al., 2009), the findings suggest that intensive behavioral intervention in dyslexia can lead to improved declarative memory as well as improved reading. Declarative memory performance was not directly assessed in this study. Figure adapted from Krafnick et al. (2011).