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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2016 Apr 1.
Published in final edited form as: Biol Psychiatry. 2014 Oct 22;77(7):642–652. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2014.09.024

Table 2.

Analysis of variance results within regions of interest demonstrating a main effect of group, a main effect of visit, and an interaction of group with visit for the valuation and cognition circuitry. Coordinates are presented in RAI format.

Analysis of variance Post hoc
Peak MNI
Region L/R BA Volume
x y z peak
Contrast z p
Group (RAN vs CW)
Anterior Cingulate L 33/24 1080 240 −12 30 18 13.3 1.2 n.s.
R 33/24 376 240 16 18 28 6.7 0.8 n.s.
Posterior Cingulate L 23 296 226 −8 −26 32 9.0 1.0 n.s.
R 31 880 218 14 −24 34 9.2 1.0 n.s.
Visit (Hungry vs Satiated)
Group × Visit
Ventral Striatum L 576 128 −6 12 −4 9.4 1.0 Satiated: RAN > CW 2.2 0.1
R 1136 128 16 22 −8 8.1 0.9 CW: Hungry > Satiated 2.7 0.04
Satiated: RAN > CW 2.8 0.03
Dorsal Anterior Caudate L 3192 168 −18 22 8 15.5 1.3 CW: Hungry > Satiated 2.4 0.08
Satiated: RAN > CW 2.7 0.03
R 4096 168 16 14 6 16.2 1.3 CW: Hungry > Satiated 2.8 0.02
Satiated: RAN > CW 3.2 0.008
Anterior Cingulate L 32/24 1832 240 −6 36 −4 9.7 1.0 CW: Hungry > Satiated 2.4 0.07
Satiated: RAN > CW 3.1 0.01
33/24 1800 −8 18 22 11.0 1.1 CW: Hungry > Satiated 2.8 0.02
Satiated: RAN > CW 3.3 0.01
24 984 −2 0 46 7.1 0.8 CW: Hungry > Satiated 2.8 0.03
Satiated: RAN > CW 3.0 0.01
R 33/24/32 6408 240 10 14 28 18.7 1.4 CW: Hungry > Satiated 3.4 0.003
Satiated: RAN > CW 3.8 <0.001
Posterior Cingulate L 31 2112 226 −6 −32 34 7.6 0.9 n.s.
R 31/23/24 4296 218 4 −38 30 8.8 1.0 n.s.
Group (RAN vs CW)
Middle Frontal Gyrus L 8 1144 304 −38 30 30 10.6 1.0 RAN > CW 2.8 0.005
6 528 −48 8 40 7.1 1.0 n .s.
6 376 −38 20 54 13.1 1.2 n.s.
R 6/8 2040 304 34 22 60 11.4 1.1 RAN > CW 2.9 0.004
6 384 50 8 42 8.7 0.9 n.s.
Visit (Hungry vs Satiated)
Middle Frontal Gyrus L 6/8 4920 304 −32 12 42 15.3 1.3 Satiated > Hungry 2.9 0.004
R 8 312 304 38 24 34 7.4 0.9 n.s.
Insula L 13 568 224 −37 2 2 13.2 1.2 Satiated > Hungry 3.6 <0.001
13 384 −26 20 −4 8.1 0.9 Satiated > Hungry 2.7 0.008
13 248 −32 −16 0 9.1 1.0 Satiated > Hungry 2.9 0.004
Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex L 44/45 3000 240 −54 18 14 14.0 1.2 Satiated > Hungry 2.8 0.005
R 45 240 224 56 26 20 7.6 0.9 n.s.
Group × Visit
Middle Frontal Gyrus L 6 600 304 −30 8 62 11.1 1.1 CW: Hungry > Satiated 2.6 0.04
Satiated: RAN > CW 2.7 0.03
Insula L 13 264 224 −40 −2 8 9.5 1.0 CW: Satiated > Hungry 3.6 0.002
R 13 456 224 40 10 −4 8.5 0.9 CW: Satiated > Hungry 3.1 0.009
13 320 34 8 8 10.0 1.0 n.s.
Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex R 45/47 264 224 38 26 −6 8.7 0.9 CW: Satiated > Hungry 2.9 0.02
Superior Parietal Cortex L 544 256 −22 −50 38 13.0 1.2 n.s.
R 408 248 22 −54 48 9.0 1.0 n.s.

Note: BA: Brodmann area; CW: healthy comparison women; L: left; n.s.: not significant; R: right; RAN: women recovered from anorexia nervosa.

Small volume correction was determined with Monte-Carlo simulations (via AFNI’s 3dClustSim) to guard against false positives. Post hoc analyses were conducted using glht from the multcomp package in R to calculate general linear hypotheses using Tukey’s all-pair comparisons.