Figure 2. Tup1 sumoylation enhances its association with promoters of ARG1 and CPA2 while reducing their transcription.
(a) Tup1-HA ChIP analysis of Tup1 wild-type (WT) or K229,270R mutant (MT) on ARG1 and CPA2 promoters at indicated times after SM induction. (b) RNAP II ChIP analysis of Tup1 wild-type (WT) or K229,270R mutant (MT) on ARG1 and CPA2 promoters at indicated times after SM induction. (c) H3 ChIP analysis of Tup1 wild-type (WT) or K229,270R mutant (MT) on ARG1 and CPA2 promoters at indicated times after SM induction. (d) mRNA levels were determined by RT-PCR for ARG1 and a control housekeeping gene, ACT1, at the indicated times after exposure to SM. Analysis was performed with strains expressing Tup1 WT or MT. Values were normalized to ARG1 RNA levels in Tup1-WT at 0 min. Data are represented as mean +/− SD of three independent experiments. P-values (refer to Materials and Methods for calculation) are indicated in parentheses above paired bars where relevant.