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. 2015 Mar 3;15:23. doi: 10.1186/s12871-015-0008-x

Table 2.

Comparison of patients with and without CA-AKI

(n = 52) (n = 283)
Age (years) 65.5(57–74) 64(53–75) 0.198
Gender 0.9 0.51-1.72 0.877
Male 33(63.5%) 19(36.5%)
Female 175(61.8%) 108(38.2%)
Body height (cm) 162.5(156.1-168.9) 165(158–172) 0.725
Body weight (kg) 62.2(46.9-77.5) 61.5(53.5-69.5) 0.215
ICU unit 1.3 0.70-2.40 0.426
Medical 32(61.5%) 191(67.5%)
Surgical 20(38.5%) 92(32.5%)
Main department General Surgery Internal Medicine 0.552
(n = 19, 36.5%) (n = 117, 41.3%)
Admission diagnosis Respiratory failure Respiratory failure 0.922
(n = 102, 36.0%) (n = 20, 38.5%)
Hypertension 26(55.0%) 126(44.5%) 1.3 0.69-2.25 0.545
Diabetic Mellitus 13(25.0%) 74(26.1%) 0.9 0.48-1.86 1
Cardiac disease 18(34.6%) 75(26.5%) 1.5 0.78-2.76 0.241
Liver disease 12(23.1%) 59(20.8%) 1.1 0.56-2.31 0.714
Respiratory disease 31(59.6%) 143(50.5%) 1.5 0.79-2.64 0.29
Kidney disease 118(41.7%) 29(55.8%) 1.8 0.97-3.20 0.069
Type of tests 0.416
CT 41(78.8%) 197(69.6%)
MRI 11(21.2%) 83(29.3%)
CT & MRI 3(1.1%)
CM volume (ml) 150(125–175) 100(32.5-167.5) 0.09
APACHE II 17(15–19) 15.5(13–18) 0.001
Mean Arterial Pressure (mmHg) 90.5(70.5-110.5) 86(76–96) 0.056
Hemoglobin (g/dl) 9.7(7.4-12.0) 9.4(8.3-10.5) 0.243
Hydration 28(53.8%) 135(47.7%) 1.3 0.71-2.31 0.452
N-Acetylcystein 16(30.8%) 74(26.1%) 1.3 0.66-2.40 0.499

Data are presented as N (%), median (interquartile range).

OR odds ratio, CI confidence interval, P probability value.

CA-AKI contrast-associated acute kidney injury, CA-NAKI contrast-associated no acute kidney injury, ICU intensive care unit, CM contrast medium, CT computed tomography, MRI magnetic resonance imaging, APACHE II Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II.