Figure 1.
Effect of MDMA on tremor-like activity. Animals were moving freely in a test chamber at temperature of 22 °C. A, Example of 3 continuous neuromuscular-related activity traces recorded at the beginning of each 30-min time frame in response to saline (top), 0.3 mg/kg (top middle), 1 mg/kg (bottom middle) and 3 mg/kg (bottom); Note that there was a total of 90 sweeps (20 s/sweep) for 30 min. Time bar, 1 s; force bar, 1% body weight (BW). B, Representative analysis of the force power across tremor frequency between 5-25 Hz (data summarized from the sweeps #88, #89 and #90). For the sake of clarification, data are expressed as the frequency resolution of 0.5 Hz (N = 8). C, Overall effect between 0-30 min. MDMA at 3 mg/kg but not 0.3 or 1 mg/kg caused tremor-like neuromuscular hyperactivity. *P < 0.05 vs. control.