Table 2. Summary of Findings in 11 Cases of Retinoblastoma with Metastasis.
Case Number | Year of Diagnosis | Laterality | High-Risk Features (level of tumor invasion) | Age at Enucleation (months) | Anaplasia Grade | Adjuvant Chemotherapy | Site of Metastasis | Death from Disease |
1 | 1947 | Unilateral | Margin optic nerve, massive choroidal, anterior segment | 19 | Severe | No | CNS | Yes |
2 | 1965 | Bilateral | Post-laminar optic nerve, massive choroidal | 2 5 | Severe | No | CNS, bone | No |
3 | 1975 | Bilateral | Post-laminar optic nerve, massive choroidal | 24 | Severe | No | CNS | Yes |
4 | 1993 | Bilateral | Laminar optic nerve, non-massive choroidal | 16 | Severe | No; received external beam radiation to the opposite eye | Bone | Yes |
5 | 2009 | Unilateral | Post-laminar optic nerve, massive choroidal | 68 | Severe | Yes | CNS | Yes |
6* | 2012 | Unilateral | None | 33 | Severe | No | Bone, liver | No |
7* | 2012 | Unilateral | None | 27 | Severe | No | Bone, liver, CNS | Yes |
8 | 2013 | Unilateral | Post-laminar optic nerve, massive choroidal, anterior segment | 31 | Severe | Yes | CNS | No |
9 | 1966 | Unilateral | Margin optic nerve, massive choroidal, anterior segment | 20 | Moderate | No | CNS | Yes |
10 | 1999 | Unilateral | Massive choroidal | 23 | Moderate | No | Bone | No |
11 | 2001 | Unilateral | Post-laminar optic nerve, | 28 | Moderate | Yes | CNS | Yes |
Patients with no high-risk histologic features but developed metastasis
CNS – central nervous system