Figure 7. Upregulation of caspase-8 activation, FN14 and soluble TWEAK in response to cleaved PAI-1 and tiplaxtinin.
(A) HuCASMCs were incubated with tiplaxtinin or CL-PAI-1 in the concentrations indicated for 24 h. Whole cell extracts were separated by gel electrophoresis and blots probed with antibodies to caspase-8 and actin (loading control). Bands: 56 kDa=full-length caspase-8; 43, 41 kDa= cleaved caspase-8; 18 kDa= cleaved cleaved caspase-8; ns=non-specific band. (B) HuCASMCs were treated with 40 nM FL-PAI-1, 40 nM CL-PAI-1 or 10 μM tiplaxtinin for 24 hours, extracted and western blots developed using antibodies to TWEAK (depicted in table in B as mean ± SEM normalized to Erk2 expression, n=3) and FN14 using Erk2 as a loading control; NS=not significant. (C) Histogram is a plot of the mean ± SEM of the conditioned media levels of soluble TWEAK (relative to Ponceau S-stained total protein), n=4. TPX=tiplaxtinin; FL-PAI-1=full length PAI-1; CL-PAI-1=cleaved PAI-1