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. 2014 Oct 16;43(1):1–9. doi: 10.2149/tmh.2014-21

Table 1.

Ref. Author, year Study period (year) City (Country) Exposure Statistical model Unit of
Confounder control Variation in susceptible population Autocorrelation* Assessed Lag* Overdispersion
Season Trend Others
Malaria 7 Kim, et al., 2012 2001–2009 the capital region (Korea) temperature, RH, diurnal temperature range (DTR), duration of sunshine GLM Poisson weekly Fourier terms year 0 to 8 weeks single lag (SL) for all cliamte parameters, rainfall 0 to 60 days (SL) Overdispersion parameter included

8 Jusot, et al., 2011 2000–2003 Magaria (Niger) rainfall GAM negative binomial (NB) daily penalised cubic regression spline religious celebrations, days of the week, holidays, min & max temp, RH penalised cubic regression spline is to minimize the autocorrelation 0 to 40 days (SL) NB distribution model

9 Haque, et al., 2010 1989–2008 Rangamati
district, (Bangladesh)
temperature, rainfall, humidity, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), SST of the Bay of Bengal, NINO3 GLM NB monthly month year AR(1) included all (except NINO): 0 to 3 months moving average (MA), NINO3: 0 to 3, 4 to 7, 8 to 11 (MA) NB distribution model

10 Xiao, et al., 2010 1995–2006 Hinan (China) temperature, rainfall, RH Poisson regression monthly population the cases for the previous months 0 to 3 months (SL)

11 Olson, et al., 2009 1996–1999 Brazilian Amazon region temperature, rainfall Poisson regression monthly natural cubic spline population (offset)

12 Hashizume, et al., 2008 1982–2011 western Kenyan highlands DMI (diapole mode index), NINO3, rainfall GLM Poisson monthly month year population not considered since trends in malaria rates are included in the model AR(1) included 0 to 6 months (SL) included overdispersion parameter

13 Teklehaimanot, et al., 2004 1990–2000 Ethiopia temperature, rainfall Poisson regression weekly week (of the year) AR included (based on a moving average of the number of cases four, five and six weeks before) rainfall: 4 to 12 weeks (MA) temperature: 4 to 10 weeks (MA)

14 Teklehaimanot, et al., 2004 1990–2000 Ethiopia temperature, rainfall Poisson regression weekly time variable district, interaction between time and district rainfall: 4 to 12 weeks (MA) temperature: 3 to 10 weeks (MA)

15 Abeku, et al., 2003 1986–1993 Ethiopia temperature, rainfall GLMM (mixed model) monthly log (numer of cases in the previous month) was included as sector-specific random effects log (numer of cases in the previous month) as sector-specific random effects handles spatial and temporal autocorrelations. rainfall: 1 and 2 months distributed lag (DL) temperature: 1 month (SL)

Dengue 16 Hii, et al., 2012 2000–2011 Singapore temperature, rainfall Poisson regression weekly season parameter trend parameter population (offset) the past number of cases 12 to 24 weeks (SL) developed Poisson regression model that allowed overdispersion

17 Gomes, et al., 2012 2001–2009 Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) rainfall, temperature, proportions of days in the month: mean temperature < 22(°C), 22 ≤ mean temperature < 26, 26 ≤ mean temperature GLM Poisson & NB monthly year population × the number of days in the month (offset) 1 and 2 months (SL) NB distribution model

18 Lowe, et al., 2011 2001–2009 Southeast Brazil rainfall, temperature, Oceanic Niño Index (ONI) GLMM NB monthly month expected number (offest): the population × global dengue rate. cartographic, demographic, and economic variables inclusion of unstructured random effect to be surrogate for not only population immunity, but quality of healthcare services and local health interventions the log standardised morbidity ratio lagged by 3 months was included in the model. temperature and rain: 3 month (MA), ONI: 4 month (SL) NB distribution model

19 Hashizume, et al., 2012 2005–2009 Dhaka (Bangladesh) river levels, temperature, rainfall GLM Poisson weekly Fourier terms year public holidays AR(1) included assessed up to 26 weeks used generalized linear Poisson regression models allowing for overdispersion

20 Earnest, et al., 2012 2001–2008 Singapore temperature, rainfall, RH, ours of sunshine and hours of cloud, Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) Poisson regression weekly sinusoidal terms AR(2) included 0 to 12 week (SL) included overdispersion parameter

21 Pham, et al., 2011 2004–2008 Dak Lak province, Vietnam temperature, duration of sunshine, rainfall, RH, larval index (household index, the container index, and the Breteau index) Poisson regression monthly Seasonal components Trend components AR(1) included

22 Pinto, et al., 2011 2000–2007 Singapore rainfall, temperature, RH Poisson regression weekly 0 to 40 week (SL)

23 Shang, et al., 2010 1998–2007 3 areas in Southern Taiwan (Tinan, Kaohsiung, and Pingtung) temperature, RH, wind speed, rainfall, rainy hours, sunshine accumulation hours, sunshine rate (from sunrise to sunset), sunshine total flux, imported dengue cases Poisson regression, and GLM NB bi-weekly Fourier terms area, population desity assessed 1 to 12 bi-weeks which is equivalent to 2 tp 24 weeks (SL) NB distribution model

24 Chen, et al., 2010 1998–2008 Taipei and Kaohsiung (Taiwan) temperatures, rainfall intensity, RH Poisson regression, GEE monthly the percentage of monthly Breteau index (BI) levels > 2 (index for the potential transmission risk) 0 to 4 months (SL)

25 Tipayamongkholgul, et al., 2009 1996–2005 all provinces in Thailand the multivariate ENSO index (MEI), the sea level pressure index (SLP), temperatures, RH, wind speed quasi-Poisson or NB monthly sinusoidal terms population (offset), province, population density the cases of the previous month 1 to 12 months (SL) used quasi-Poisson or NB

26 Lu, et al., 2009 2001–2006 Guangzhou (China) temperatures, rainfall, RH, wind velocity Poisson regression, GEE monthly AR(1) included 0 to 3 months (SL) included overdispersion parameter

27 Johansson, et al., 2009 1986–2006 all manicipalities in Puerto Rico temperatures, rainfall Poisson regression monthly natural cubic spline on observational time population (offest), % of population below the poverty line temperature: 0 to 2 month (DL), rain: 1 to 2 (DL)

28 Thammapalo, et al., 2005 1978–1997 73 provinces in Thailand rainfall, rainny days, temperatures, RH Poisson regression monthly Fourier terms time in month (t) and (t)2 the lagged residual series is included none

Cholera 29 Hashizume, et al., 2011 1993–2007 Dhaka (Bangladesh) DMI, NINO3, SST and SSH of the northern Bay of Bengal GLM negative binomial (NB) monthly month year not considered lagged model residual included (Brumback method) 0–3, 4–7, 8–11 months (MA) NB distribution model

30 Rajendran, et al., 2011 1996–2008 Kolkata (India) temperature, RH, rainfall GLM, SARIMA daily exponential smoothing function

31 Hashizume, et al., 2010 1983–2008 Dhaka (Bangladesh) temperature, rainfall GLM Poisson weekly Fourier terms year sampling proportion high rain: 0–8 (MA), low rain: 0–16 (MA), temperature: 0–4 (MA) included overdispersion parameter

32 Paz, 2009 1971–2006 8 African countries: Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, and Mozambique air temperature, sea surface temperature (the western Indian Ocean), anomaly air temperature Poisson regression yearly AR1 = cor (Yt, Yt-1) is taken into account in the estimation using generalized estimating equations. 0 and 1 year (SL)

33 Constantin de Magny, et al., 2008 1997–2006 Matlab (Bangladesh) and Kolkata (India) SST, rain, chlorophyll a concetration GLM quasi-Possion monthly quarter periods of a year log (number of cases for the previous month) 0 and 1 month (SL) quasi-Poisson model

34 Martinez-Urtaza, et al., 2008 1994–2005 Peru SST, sea height anmoaly, heat content above 20°C GAM NB & ridge regression with penalties to identify zero-inflation weekly thin plate regression splines observational time × smoothing (when autocorrelation was seen in residuals) included 1 to 5 weeks (SL) NB distribution model

35 Luque Fernández, et al., 2008 2003–2006 Lusaka (Zambia) temperature, rainfall GLM Poisson weekly sinusoidal terms the cases for the previous week. temperature 6 weeks (SL), rainfall 3 weeks (SL) examined by standard errors were scaled using the square root of the Pearson chi2 dispersion.

36 Hashizume, et al., 2008 1996–2002 Dhaka (Bangladesh) rainfall, river level, temperature GLM Poisson weekly Fourier terms year public holidays AR(1) included rainfall: 0 to 16 weeks (MA), river level: 0 to 4 weeks (MA)

37 Huq, et al., 2005 1997–2000 5 different cities, (Bangladesh) water temperature, air temperature, water depth, pH, rainfall Poisson regression bimonthly 0, 2, 6, 4, 8 months (SL)

Influenza 38 Hu, et al., 2012 2009 Brisbane (Australia) temperature, rainfall, interaction Poisson regression, spatiotemporal analysis (CAR) weekly sinusoidal terms socio-economic index, population (offset), spatially structured random effect AR(1) included 1 week single lag (SL)

39 Jusot, et al., 2011 2009–2010 Niger temperature, relative humidity (RH), wind speed, visibility GAM daily seasonal components trend components day of the week, holidays, religious festival, and pilgrimage

Blanks represent unknown for the case no statements are made in articles regarding each category. Otherwise whether it was considered or how it was considered are stated in this table.

* SL: single lag, MA: moving average, DL: distribute lag, AR: auto-regressive term