Figure 6. UCR1C does not modulate PKA-mediated PDE4D3 phosphorylation.
HEK293T cells were co-transfected GFP-PDE4D3 with RFP-vector, RFP-UCR1C, or RFP-UCR1C R/A. 48 hours later, cells were treated with FSK or DMSO control, and cells lysates were harvested for PDE4D3 immunoprecipitation using protein A agarose beads and anti-GFP antibody. Western blot was then performed to investigate the phosphorylation level of PDE4D3. Image J quantification of two independent experiments on phosphor-PDE4D3/total were shown as mean± s.e.m.. Successful expression of UCR1C, UCR1C R/A mutants and vector in lysate and IP of PDE4D3 were also shown in the representative blot.